| - This is the third time I've eaten at O'Brien's Northern ave. location. The first time was great, just a few months ago. I live a long way from O'Brien's. The second time was OK, but not as good as the first time, but we enjoyed ourselves, thinking it was an off day that evening. Last night we had our friends with us and it was horrible. Quantity was not the problem, there was plenty. The St. Gria was served in short stemmed glasses with LOTS of ice. We had large glasses before with little ice twice before. One in our party had to exchange their meal for something else because it was so bad. He couldn't even identify the kind of meat he was trying to eat. Another in our party, and myself, couldn't finish most of our meal, chicken tacos, because it lacked any flavor. The beans were fine but the rice, this time was very dry. Meat tasted as if it had been boiled without any spices. All of us left plenty of food on our plates without any thought of taking leftovers home. On the way home we talked about how disappointing the meal was, and how the quality had gone down so much. We concluded that it would be a LONG time before we frequent O'Brien's again, if ever.