It's hard enough flying these days with over sized people (#obesenation) or 2x the luggage as necessary, and over privileged attitudes along with the tiny space planes offer to sit or even walk through. I've flown quite often and honestly, this is by far THE smallest plane ever (B757) and by small I don't mean tiny in overall size - I'm talking about the space for walking and sitting... This is a large sardine aluminum can. I miss first class at this very moment cause I will need a drink to maintain my sanity here - and oh btw...I'm in the exit row - so every man for himself on this flight. - if I fly again with US Airways - I'll be sure to upgrade purely for my own sanity. #flightslikehell. The service on the first flight was hilarious. Service on this flight is good - can't wait to get off the flight and the engine hasn't even started yet....Go DELTA every time.
#nationwideplaneupgrades #greedypirates.