The last 2 purchases I've made to keep my feet happy have been from getoutside! I spoiled myself with getting a good pair of boots for the cold weather and then a pair of canvas slip ons for the warm sunny days! Each time I've had great staff helping me out. When I purchased my boots, I found that perhaps I could have gone a half size down and when I called to check if they had any available they were more than happy to hold it for me for almost a whole working day since it was the only pair available.
Like many have pointed out, they have a massive selection, and possibly the best selection of Frye's and Red Wings I've seen around the city to actually try on. And most of the time I see they have their Frye's on a 15% sale in store.
It would be nice if they had more frequent sales on particular brands or discounted items, but their sale rack and a very nicely "stocked" website makes up for it.