Since 2004, this place has gone down hill and $$PRICES $$ are ridiculous.
Rented a Rug Doctor a few months ago & it was DISGUSTING! Animal hair and cat litter caked the bottom of this thing. It smelled like urine!
Tonight, I spent $336 and will not spend another dime in this establishment. Only 2 cashiers, really? This has always been an issue regardless. The bagger heaped my cart and I prayed an avalanche wouldn't occur on my way to the car. I asked for help out just for this reason. When I got to the car, the kid just looked at me for a moment, then asked if I needed help unloading. Really? Okay bosses, teach your kids a little respect and work ethics. You know your store is overpriced as it is but how about making it a pleasant experience despite. I'm not returning to this store ever again. All of Surprise is on pins & needles waiting for Whole Foods to open. ONE employee months ago helped me to the car. He said his hours were being cut and you're still in the process of hiring new people because you don't want to pay anyone, decently.
I dont need another reason to say, Bye-bye Safeway!!