| - I had contacted another spa mover, who shall remain nameless, here in the valley. Like I said, no names but it rhymes with Tim. It was Memorial Day weekend... no problem, I'm not in a hurry. There was a Spa convention in town... no problem, let me know what works for you; 11:30AM on a Tuesday, sounds great. I will meet you at the seller's house with cash. 11:30AM rolls around and no Tim. I call at 11:45 just to confirm the appointment and leave a message. At noon, I call again to let him know that we are leaving and to please call me so we can reschedule. At 1:00 I call again and it rings twice and then the call is ended. So I call again immediately- 2 rings and the call is ended. Tim is literally hanging up on me as I attempt to try and contact him to ask about when he is available.
So, I begin the search for another Spa mover. Mike answers on the 2nd ring and says "how can I help?" I give him the details and he says, "sorry I can't do it today, does tomorrow mid-morning work?" Are you kidding me? Actual service by someone who says, "sorry you got stood up. I'll be happy to step in." Long story short, Mike showed up with the proper equipment, on time. and didn't charge me a crazy fee for rescuing me. He had a couple of guys with great senses of humor that you felt probably wouldn't come and murder you in your sleep after moving your hot tub into it's perfect location. This guy and his team care about actually doing a good job and taking care of people who have no idea what they have gotten themselves into when they purchase a hot tub in Phoenix... really why does anyone need a hot tub here? If you have one, you know why- It is the best way to erase stress after a long commute home via the 101. If you are skulking around on the intrawebs and you come across a Tim that is happy to help you move your tub, hang up and call the fine team at AZ Clear Choice Spa Movers. Thank you gentlemen, you are truly princes among men!