Save yourself from the disappointment and go for food court sushi in Fairview Mall. It's immediately obvious that the sashimi and sushi are not fresh or the best quality; in fact, the white fish must've been previously frozen judging by the spongey texture. The portion sizes are generous, but quantity doesn't make up for quality. My mom ordered the seafood udon soup which had very little taste and the "seafood" was minimal and most probably came out of a freezer bag. The smoke salmon sushi roll smelled fishy the moment it arrived; in fact, after being seated at the table I kept getting a wift of sourness for which I couldn't pin point the source. Going to the bathroom was a harrowing experience, walking down a dingy stairwell on grubby floor past the kitchen which one can't help but stare into as you pass it's flimsy mesh door. The bathroom looked like it belonged at a dive bar, not a place where I'm being served food at. Will never go back again!