LOVE this store.
They sell a wide range of Frye boots, but they also sell a decent range of Birkenstocks (took my mom here to buy a couple of pairs).
I also picked up some BIrkenstock insoles (well worth the $40), and the service was outstanding once you got a sales clerk to help you out.
The only problem is flagging down a sales clerk. They seem keen on avoiding you, and your blazing eye contact. I don't enjoy shopping here as much as I do in other stores, but if you get a good person, it's golden.
If not.... you might as well feel like you're the pink suede elephant in the room no one wants to talk to.
Still, BIRKENSTOCK INSOLES! :) (I must note that they didn't have enough stock either, so that was a mild WTF moment. You're a STORE. Stock up!)
Update: They STILL DON'T HAVE STOCK, since I last visited. It's been what, over a year or two now? WTF?