I began going to Janina back in 1997. She is a true beauty professional. She knows skin like no other. I had veered away from Janina and her products for about a year or two because I started to experiment with big name drug store products out of convenience (especially while I was traveling). My face began to break out really badly. My chin was covered in white heads and zits. I would have to wear SO much make to try and hide it. I was really starting to feel down on myself. I went to the doctor and gave me some cream and offered pills. There was no way I was going to take pills for acne! I refused to believe this.
I went back to Janina for a facial and started using her products again and my face completely cleared. It's a miracle. I keep going for facials once a month.
For the right price Janina is the best in the city. Top notch! And I love her to pieces. She is so sweet and makes every visit very warm and comfortable.