I have had three experiences with this hospital in the last few months. Honestly, my feelings are quite mixed and I have had two friends with recent mixed experiences as well.
First I would say my over night stay I had a bad experience with the night nurses and attentive care for my elderly roommate which made me want to leave if I hadn't been driven. By the next morning my day nurses were very caring and attentive to both myself and my roommate.
My first two experiences I had incredible physician care which I really would give 5 stars, however, my last ER visit my physician was horrendous and when pushing in an area of extreme pain she TOLD me it doesn't hurt and was very rude. She later apologized after 'reading' my chart and realizing my condition.
Two friends experienced similar situations. They returned to this hospital after excellent physician treatment to later receive poor physcian care but excellent nurses.
I really have to wonder if this particular hospital is having management issues based on the roller coaster of service and care. It is a bit perplexing because at Sunrise (a sister hospital) I have always had excellent care.