The guys at Vespa of Charlotte are really nice and always helpful. A couple weeks ago I stopped by for a helmet on my way to buying a used Vespa GTS250ie from Motorcycles of Charlotte. Not only did they help this total 2-wheel n00b choose the right helmet but upon finding out about my plans at the motorcycle place, they even put in a considerable amount of time entering the VIN # into various databases and making calls to make sure I wasn't buying a lemon. They weren't able to tell me for sure if mine was part of a recall but described what the recall was for and said to bring it by and they'd fix it for free. I know that's standard for recalls but it's nice to know I have a certified Vespa dealer/mechanic so close who can do the repair.
I always feel a little guilty going into a place just for research knowing I'm not going to buy from them. They spend all this time answering my inane questions and I leave without buying a thing. I must have done it here half a dozen times before finally getting the helmet. I really like this shop and if I had an extra couple grand to spend on a new Vespa, I'd have bought it here. But they didn't seem to mind at all that I was taking my business elsewhere. I guess they know I'll be back for accessories and service for years to come. With these guys, I suspect it will be a pleasure.