I've been a member here for about a year and a half and I have never had any issues here - EVER. Everyone is so nice and so helpful when I needed it. I love that the membership is month to month, my rate has never increased and I have never been charged extra for anything other than my monthly membership.
My most favorite part of this place, however is the FREE childcare, which I have discovered NO other gym offers, which is a huge bonus considering I only pay $9 a month to work out here. The hours are limited but I am not complaining, I mean come on its free childcare. The girls are so great and the room always looks really clean and organized.
I also love that every fitness level goes here, every age, every body type, everyone is at different places in their fitness journey and it's great to be in a place with such diversity.
You definitely have to have self motivation to come here being that there are no classes, limited hours and not a lot of exciting extras. But that's actually what I enjoy about it and for price it's absolutely perfect! I wouldn't want to go to any other gym.