Came back to pick up their original cheesecake and honey Madeleines for my BF's friend! As I was in line I noticed the Angel Hat was still available but in limited quantities... Around 5 left well 4 after I bought one! I've never tried the Angel Hat since they were always sold out every since it was added to the menu. I've had their original cheesecake and honey Madeleines many times and even their matcha cheesecake but never the Angel Hat!
It looks like a fluffy dome! My first bite into it and you can tell the cake was so fluffy and light! When it enters your mouth it magically disappears! It's so light that it melts away! My friends and I were amazed! It's like airy and cheesier compared to the cheesecake! Definitely something to try if you've never had it!
I was glad I didn't have to wait for more than 10 minutes to get one! I guess I was lucky!!