It just seems Gamestops in general have gotten worse and only worth it if you're trading in probably. We were the only adults in there and it was a busy Sunday with a bunch of parents and kids there...most older parents like that don't play games and don't really know about pricing and just want to do right by their kid. I remember a time where you'll see a bunch of gamers in here but the fact I don't anymore says a lot.
More steals your money than deals. A pre-owned game is priced like $5 less than brand new so there isn't much of a savings. A used/refurbished PS3 stack on the floor had two prices on it $299 and $249 (assuming for a lesser GB or older body one)....seriously- for $299 you can get it new, with a game bundle at Costco or Sams Club. I rather just buy new in that case.
We've gone back a few times but now always leave empty handed. That tells me that it's not what it used to be if before we would at least find a few games with a good price.
I think this was our last visit.