I had a horrible full blown panic attack while experimenting with drugs for the first time and I understand that was my fault for making an extremely poor choice. Tempe St. Luke's Hospital was the nearest location to Arizona State University. I called 911 and they sent an ambulance; the EMTs were painfully rude, unsympathetic, and most of all judgmental. They kept telling me to shut up and even heard someone say "That's why you say no." Worst experience of my life and the help I thought would ease said experience made it 1000 times worse. Sometimes in these situations the best they could have done is said, "Calm down, take a deep breath, everything is gonna be okay, don't worry." Instead I just had a bunch of people yelling at me at looking at me like attending to me was a complete waste of time. I've never felt so worthless in my whole life. They were completely repulsive, as well as the staff who just strapped me to the hospital bed and left me out in the hallway. After the effect wore off no one cared to ask how I was feeling, nor explained that what I experienced was a panic attack. Only went back for the medical record the next day and will never ever return.