My mother is not a very good cook. Even so, I keep going back to her kitchen because it's one of my favorite places to eat. Such is the same with the Big Ragu. The atmosphere is so intoxicating that it makes me forgive the fact that the food is often so-so.
Red checkered table clothes and the smell of garlic bring warmth to the quaint & unpretentious space. Specials are written on the blackboard, which hangs lopsided on the wall. The wine list is small, and approachable. But it was our waitress, who was the star of the show. With infinite patience and humour she tended to our large, boisterous group without ever losing her smile. Carmen joined in to help with the desserts, making the night feel even more special
As for the food? Well, some of the appetizers were thrilling, while most of the mains were not. But it didn't matter. I just washed the dry clam pasta down with a few glasses of Pinot Grigio and basked in the charm of my surroundings.