This s place was filthy. My view from table was a grease splattered dirty window into the parking lot. We got king crab shrimp and vegetables corn etc. it came boiled in a bag and the bag comes to table in dirty looking bucket. You struggle to open bag then dump it in table which about the grossest. I wouldn't have bitched if the king crab wasn't so over cooked and if anyone cared. I don't normally eat shrimp with their legs still attached and eyeballs staring at me and also not deveined so I had to do all that at my table myself which is disgusting. I ate 2 and then I just didn't want it because it was not even good. So we left all that crap on the table. The crab legs so over cooked they were $30 of rubber but of course she didn't come back to Check till the bill came. We kept trying to get her attention but she was having conversations that looked intense. When she asked how it was I said crab completely over cooked no saving that and she says I'll let them know right away then just comes back with bill. I won't go back and I posted my receipt for my stalker Riggs,that accuses me of trying to get free food because I left a bad review of wildflower in Tucson.