This is the 4th VA Hospital I have been assigned to over the past 13years while being assigned to different units throughout the US. I just recently came from the Portland VA system, which is IMO is one of the best ran VA systems. My First visit was to the Phoenix VA Women's Clinic in FEB 2012, after getting home from the Philippine's I had no mail for my VA visit results so I called to receive them via mail to provide to my unit. In SEPT I received my Test results I had done in FEB/ the letter was dated JUNE!? 3-4 months to mail a letter? Ok, I have to give this VA System the benefit of the doubt because there's no way this is how this Hospital operates so let's see how my first Doctors visit goes. After me and my husband waited for 8 Months to get our initial appt. just to assign us a primary care physician. We were asked to show up 30min before my 2:00PM appt. I did! 1:30 show up/ check in was great thanks to Daniel who was very personable/ 2:15 Vitals were taken, 2:30 Back in waiting room/ 3:00 still in waiting room/3:30 I go to front desk to ask what is going on with my 2:00PM Appt. I was here at 1:30PM for? They checked with the DOC (DR. TONG) Diamond Clinic/ She is running behind "because she likes to spend time with her patients". 4:15pm! Still in waiting room :/ Apparently she likes to spend time with her patients at the expense of her other patients who have been waiting for nearly 3hrs!! I and my Husband look around to find ourselves to be the only people in the waiting room now and the Hospital quietly closing up. My frustration starts to boil and tears start to come to my eyes with anger... This is the VA system we are enrolling in??? The Clinic door opens; Dr. Tong addresses us as if we shouldn't be upset at the unreasonable wait... seriously! I had scheduled a 2:00PM appt specifically to make to the LAB for workups I knew I would be requesting, but because of her inability to perform her tasks with time management in consideration I had to request the test and run the stairs in platforms to get to lab by 4:30, My Superpowers kicked in and I MADE IT 4:25PM! Thank goodness! I dreaded the thought of the drive from Buckeye to this VA again just for Lab workups or to wait in emergency for a blood draw because Dr. Tong was considerate of other patients at my and my husband's expense. After everything was said and done I had requested for my test results from DR. Tong/ a week later I get a letter saying everything is "essentially normal". Wow! Where are my test results and what does "essentially" mean? Come on! Apparently, there's no regard or STANDARD to informing the patient of their test results and no standard for when the patient will be notified of their test results and among other deficiencies in this VA System. Please somebody take control of this system, all I hear from other service members is "apparently you haven't been assigned here long." The Coordinator for Phoenix VA should be ashamed.