You will definitely make friends here. It's Las Vegas. It's a bar. You'll probably be drunk because the bar is IN the casino. It'll be hard NOT to make conversation or cut a rug with another human being in that situation. Especially if your group of friends has a bachelor, a girl in multi color unicorn and robot leggings and others dressed in fierce 80s garb. All eyes on us.
We stumbled in after a concert so it was past midnight and the scene was pretty intense. The tiny dance floor was overtaken by a man who looked like Sinatra on a bender singing pop tunes. All ages - all types, variety is the spice of life people. Plenty of folks doing their own thing, dancing, singing, fist pumping, drinking, chatting at tables, creepin' at the bar, you name it.
Didn't have a drink but heard they weren't that expensive. No cover, just an all around easy going area to hang out in if you're not in the mood for a real "club" and want to dance but not gamble.