I expected a line (3-4 minutes) I didn't expect to see the cast of the show (I guess that would be a rare sighting) and I did expect to see quite a bit of touristy junk and some tacky gold--on all counts I wasn't disappointed.
It is what it is... still an old pawn shop but many of the items are quite unique... I guess that sets it apart from other pawn shops. The girl who was in front of me in line sold them a ring that no longer has any "sentimental attachment" She was happy. I tried to sell them an old relic that my son wanted me to sell. The guy I delt with was extremely nice but said the shop isn't interested in that kind of item. Didn't surprise me (I know he wouldn't have given me what my son wanted anyway.
The shop is about a half a mile from the Stratosphere so if you are on that end of the strip you will be pretty close! It is also super easy to find! I would say it is worth the 20-30 minutes it will take you, just don't take your autograph book, you will be disappointed.
On the other hand if you like the spin-off show, American Restoration... go see THAT Rick. It is only a few blocks away and you will meet everyone who you see on TV. All very friendly and still working hard at what they do... Chances are you will might have a better shot at meeting Rick Harrison and Chumlee there anyway 'cause they won't be in the pawn shop!