Where do I begin..
First off, we switched to sprint because they sought us out because my boyfriend had boost mobile. So we signed a contract for unlimited talk, text, data, 2 phones, insurance on both phones for $100/month. Long story short, i had to wait one week for my phone i had no communication and i have a business. They sent us a $1,497 bill! Shut our phone's off 7 times in a year! Found out one of the phones never had insurance and our bill, was never $100... It was $159 with out insurance on one phone. Any given time you walk into this Sprint store you wait FOREVER while there is at least 5-6 employees working. Well some what working, 3 on the floor 2 behind the glass on their cell phones. Customer service with in this brick and mortar and company is complete shit. We switched to Verizon, and are paying 40$ more a month only because it is better customer service and you are helped and greeted promptly at their brick and mortar. This Sprint store sucks i wouldn't waste your time! If you need more proof Google their store and look at the review with the picture of the person giving the store the middle finger! Can you hear that?!