Stay away from Blue Green Vacations in my opinion. We stayed at the property and attended a Blue Green Vacations presentation. They offered us a "deal" while we sat at a table in a big room with loud music blaring as they "explained" their "point system" to us. I guess their strategy is to confuse people. Some of the sales people were drag queens (wish we got one of them). So, we were presented with the "investment" of paying them $900 per month for about 20 years to "own" this vacation/timeshare/whatever you call it. Not to be rude, but I laughed out loud at the offer and said there's no way in hell. I thought for that much you could "invest" in a rental property or buy a luxury car or pay off your existing mortgage in half the time or whatever.
If you want to know if you should stay there, then I would say no. There are so many better places to stay in Vegas. The Blue Green property sits way back behind The Hard Rock near the airport and UNLV. It is closest to a big housing project and homeless street people frequent the area. We had an overall bad experience at the property. One night a bellman made a racist comment to my husband (who is Hispanic) "Corona or Modello?" he asked him. No class. Racist. One day when I was waiting in the lobby, a disheveled woman approached me saying she needed to call the bus station. I tried to help her, but she kept trying to grab my phone. The bed was comfortable. Our room was pretty clean, except for the shower - the shower smelled dirty and the floor felt slimy on my bare feet. There was also a tub. It was clean, so I used that. The indoor pool seemed nice, but I didn't use it. I didn't feel like spending much time at the property. The mood there was so drab. There is no greenery on the property, the hallways smell like onions and fast food, and it was depressing.