I will tell you exactly what to expect....DON'T DO IT!
My wife and I were walking on the strip and out in front of the Paris hotel, a man who says he's from Long Island reels us in with a little card that he says is for discounts, but asks us more about what we are doing here, etc. We say we are here for work and are staying in the Cosmopolitan Hotel. He asks us if we want a gift card, show tickets, free flights and hotel accommodations for a short presentation. We asked if it was a timeshare presentation he said no not at all, and that it was a presentation about a cool program the Cosmopolitan offers. He said we would get a really cool behind the scenes tour. He was totally likable (like good salespeople are) and he begged us to do the short presentation because he worked off of commission. I do too so I know his pain... so we agreed to the presentation for the free stuff, but we were also interested in the Cosmopolitan tour and to learn more about their "program"... so the guy takes us to the Jockey Club which is right next to the Cosmo, so we thought we were on track for a cool presentation. That wasn't the case... we confirmed it wasn't a timeshare presentation and he said no.
He dropped us off in this room where people qualified us to be a part of the presentation. I get it, they want to make sure we are worth their time. We then went into a large room with couches and there were other participants in there. We were told to sit on couch number 2 and were told an agent will be with us shortly. After 10 min a man came over, nice guy, created some small talk as we walked into a room with no windows. Kinda sketchy. There were about 10 couples in there, each sitting next to their "agent"... then the sales guy comes in and starts talking about timeshares. I knew right then we were duped. I decided to sit through it with no intention to buy, of course. It was weird... horrible presentation that showed ugly rooms in different locations you could visit for your timeshare. The presenter was energetic and annoying. I am in sales, so it was funny to watch him do his thing. He really made it sound attractive to buy a timeshare, comparing the price of a vacation retail versus their timeshare programs. And when he would make good points and attractive offers, the "agents" would ooo and ahhh and make noises and say things like wow! And clap their hands. I get it, they were trying to create an environment where people feel like it's a good deal. It made me laugh. My side of the room wasn't as responsive and didn't participate as much as the other side so he would make comments like, I like your side better (to the other side) and not your side (pointing at us) haha. Nice tactic.
After the presentation, I think our agent understood we weren't interested. We don't travel much... we live two blocks from the beach in FL and have friends/family in other vacation spots around the world, so why buy a timeshare. I was still ticked we were duped into a timeshare presentation when we were originally told we were doing a Cosmopolitan tour and would learn about their program. We then went into a Jockey Club room facing the Bellagio fountains being told its the room everyone wants. I have never been in an uglier room. It was probably designed and updated in the 70's.
We were then brought to a big room full of participants and small tables. There were balloons everywhere and music blasting. It was the "closing room". After we sat down, we told our agent we weren't interested for certain reasons and he was cool with it. He brought over this smug young white guy with a suit on who's job was to give us the numbers and close us. He wrote down two options (very sloppy handwriting, I couldn't even read the numbers) and asked which one we wanted to buy. It cracked me us that originally they say the timeshare program is a one time $9,995 fee but this guy kept bringing that price tag down more and more as we kept saying no.
We finally said no, we are not interested. He asked, "why?"... we told him we don't really vacation much for certain reasons. He asked in a smug way "well then why would you agree to a vacation timeshare presentation" We told him we were told it was a tour of the cosmo hotel and that we would learn about their program (which we were kind of interested in) and he said, "why would we give you all of these gifts for a tour that you could easily go up to the concierge desk and ask for" We told him his salesman said we'd get a behind the scenes tour. So he just got up and left.... then our agent was still there and shook our hand and left without saying anything.
Then a lady came over and had us take a survey... easy. Then we got our gifts and left.
If it sounds like this experience is worth $100, then by all means do it. But I am just not a fan of the misrepresentation the guy on the street gave us and for the smug "closers'" attitude.