This was a great hiking trail! We first took a wrong turn after the initial incline (because we went what looked like a path many others had gone on before) and later back tracked to the correct area of switch backs to make our way up the mountain. The sites and sounds were great along the way. The trail wasn't completely challenging or difficult, but I didn't think that it was as easy as others described. At least, certain points seemed a little bit more strenuous than others especially where some rocks had smoothed over and were a little slippery and on incline. Other than that, the hike was great and we we able to see some water coming down on the falls. It wasn't too crowded as we were the first ones out there, but when we were leaving around 10:00 am the trail became busy. The weather was perfect with it being in high 40s, low 50s with it being even cooler up by the falls. Definitely a workout and must do!