Verve Vegas is our church home, and has been for about a year. Verve is an incredible church- very casual atmosphere, and come as you are attitude. You will never feel singled out- or as though you dont belong. Verve is a community and an extension of our family.
They have Sunday morning services as well as a services on Monday evenings- for those that work on weekends. There is an active and fun Childreen's ministry for your little ones on Sunday mornings. The music is modern, and more on the side of rock- definitely appealing to a "hipper & younger" crowd. Best of all reipped jeans, a tank top and flip flops are completely acceptable!
Come check it out- you'll be glad you did. And come say hi- I am in the nursery on Sunday mornings, and setting up the coffee bar on Monday nights. I would love to know that you were there!