| - 1 star for Salt River Tubing and 5 stars for the river. The river is fun and relaxing with beautiful scenery but I would recommend bypassing the tube rental and bus passes from Salt River Tubing. Renting a tube costs $17 or a bus pass is $14, but you can go into town and get an adventure pass for your car for $6 and float down the river on your own with your own tube. The only issue with that is you will need two cars, one parked at point 2 and the other parked at the end of the river at point 4. Most of the people we encountered did this, especially the locals. If you only have one car most likely fellow tubers will give you a ride back up to your car (obviously that's a risk though).
So my boyfriend and I drove 7 hours from San Diego to Arizona to go tubing. The website indicates that tube rentals close at 2pm but you could still take the bus later than that. We called ahead of time and we were told that the river is moving slow and to hurry because they are going to close soon. We arrived at 1 o'clock, literally speaking to the people that work there minutes prior to arriving. What I assumed were park Rangers, as they were carrying weapons, were extremely rude and would not let us into the park even though we told them we just talked to the people at the front desk a minute ago and they said it was okay to come in as long as we had our own tube. We also told them we drove 7 hours to be there but they didn't care, they probably just wanted to go home early. Finally after begging several people to let us in and we finally got to the front we were told that the last bus just left, sorry. They really should indicate current conditions on their website so people from out-of-state don't drive several hours to be turned away. Finally a gentleman, possibly a manager, walked up to me and said if I can get on the bus right now they will call a bus over for me. But my boyfriend was still blowing up the tube and we needed to fill up our attached cooler so they wouldn't wait for us. Well I wasn't taking no for an answer, I was determined to go tubing, so after asking around I found that you can go into town and buy an adventure pass and go down the river from point 2. That's what we ended up doing and it was fantastic. I would highly recommend doing it this way, so you don't have to deal with the rude staff who doesn't care about their customers or worry about making it back to the bus on time.
About the river. It was really beautiful. As other reviewer's have mentioned, there are wild horses and it's wonderful observing them in their natural habitat. I didn't think the fellow floaters were too wild, I didn't see any Mardi Gras type flashers. Some people had noisy music but most people were just relaxing and chilling and things weren't too crazy. It seemed kid friendly, it was a bit dirty, as there is tons of marshmallows floating around. I don't get that, why the other yelp reviewers recommend bringing marshmallows and throwing them in the river? It just pollutes the river and the sticky fluff get stuck to your legs, feet and tube. My recommendation, leave the marshmallows at home or leave them for the campfire. Bring water guns or bubbles if you want to have something fun to do. Polluting the river by throwing marshmallows at people or at fish, isn't my idea of fun.
There are some shallow rocky parts of the river, do NOT wear sandals. I must repeat this again. Do not wear sandals! They will fall off your feet and you will lose them, my boyfriend learned this the hard way even though I told him several times to wear swim shoes or tennis shoes. It's not pretty walking through the river without a shoe on. Other than that bring a cooler full of water, snacks and ice and throw your trash away in the trashcans. Keep the river beautiful and clean. Happy tubing!