This is something that everyone who loves designer bags needs to know. In May of 2013 I purchased a beautiful CHANEL handbag for my daughter. Upon purchasing it I asked numerous times if the bag was authentic and was told yes. The bag was priced at $1100.00 which is a good buy for a CHANEL bag and it looked to be in good condition. Within the first week of my daughter using her new bag the strap broke and the zipper started to come apart. I immediately called My Sisters Closet to ask for assistance on the repairs of the bag, after all it had only been a week. I was turned down but offered a $25.00 gift card for the store. I was slightly upset but decided that since I purchased the bag used I needed to accept that things can go wrong. This is where things get interesting. I took the bag to CHANEL inside SAKS at the Biltmore to have the bag sent out for repairs and after almost 10 weeks of waiting for the bag to return from Paris we learn that CHANEL wont repair it because it's not authentic. In other words it's a FAKE! I spent $1100.00 on a fake CHANEL bag. Today I took the bag with the letter from CHANEL to My Sisters Closet for a refund and was told that the manager will have to look at it and then get with the owner to let me know how they will handle, hopefully I will receive a refund by days end tomorrow. I'm slightly concerned because of the way they handled the repair part of it as I had to call them numerous times to get a answer of no we will give you a gift card for $25.00. I guess I'll have to wait and see! Anyhow please be careful when you purchase anything from them as they evidently do not know how to authenticate things. I'm fortunate that I had the sense to send the bag to CHANEL for the repairs because had I took it to a local repair place my daughter would've been carrying a very expensive counterfeit CHANEL bag. CHANEL has asked me to contact their legal department with info on where and how much I purchased the bag. At least I know that CHANEL takes this stuff seriously. I'll follow up this review on how well My Sisters Closet handles this.
I'm happy to say that I received a phone call to let me know that my money will be refunded and a apology. I'm still saying for people to be very careful as I would have never known had I not sent the bag to CHANEL to be repaired. For now on I will not be buying any used high end handbags, wallets or other items from a consignment store or individual. The risk of being counterfeit is just too high in my opinion and some stores such as Gucci will not even look at the item. Best to just by new when investing in a Designer item .