| - I was thoroughly unimpressed with this dive. I went to watch a highly anticipated UFC event here recently and phoned in advance to make a reservation. I spoke with the owner Dora, who must've seen my name on caller ID as she addressed me personally by first name. I was impressed at her friendly manner, and she ensured me that I would indeed have a table to watch...even though they were going fast.
Humbled and thrilled, we made our way to the bar. Upon entry, we were asked if we were there to watch the fights but weren't asked about our reservation. No matter, we were ushered to a table with a decent view of televisions. On to ordering...I ordered a pint of an Irish ale which I am very familiar with. However, it tasted off-- as if it was stale or the keg had been sitting too long. I tried to enjoy it but simply couldn't. Not wanting to be "that persnickety person," I finally gave in and approached the bar hoping that perhaps I could be given another pint. Well, I was met with insolent attitude from the same Dora who took my phone reservation. She belligerently told me that there was nothing wrong with it (I am a former bartender myself, so I know what a dodgy pint tastes like) and told me that there was a "regular" beside me who drinks it all of the time. To add insult to injury, she gave him a sample and asked him if it tasted normal. Of course he said that it did...although I question the accuracy of his taste buds given his near state of intoxication. Experiment complete, Dora snidely said "see? I told you" to which I curtly replied "clearly, my taste must be off."
I returned to my seat to be blasted by a cacophony of karaoke music and caterwauling which made it impossible to hear the UFC feed. Needless to say, after my excursion to the bar, our service was pretty much non-existent, and I had to all but step in front of the server to order anything. I then ordered another pint of Belgian Moon which is my usual beverage of choice (I'd had one only hours before), and it also tasted abysmal. It was flat and tasted as if the line hadn't been cleaned in a long while, if not ever.
If that wasn't enough, I asked if because we had made a reservation, could we be moved into the separate room where UFC was being broadcast without the background "din" of Saturday night karaoke. The server took an eternity to inquire, and wonders never cease, she came back only to tell us that Dora didn't have our reservation. I'm sure it was lost immediately after I questioned our proprietress about the dodgy pints I was served.
In all, this has got to be one of the worst experiences that I have ever had at a tavern (I won't even dignify this hole in the wall with description as a pub). I rarely think that my opinion or posts really matter, but if you are contemplating coming to this establishment, promptly find somewhere else and save yourself the grief. You'll be better off anywhere else!