| - I used to be all about this place before I moved to New York, so I was excited this morning when I decided to get coffee for my girlfriend and I.
Seriously, fuck this place. I came in, and everyone gave me the once over, and I get the brooding barista act, but as a patron and someone who has worked in the service industry, I feel like there definitely should be some sort humanesque emotion displayed from these people. All three behind the counter looked at me like I had ten eyes and dicks for eyebrows.
I asked for Iced Skim Latte, got a hot one, but hey, small fuck up. It was the exasperated sigh when I corrected them, I could've fucking done without. Still didn't get an iced skim latte.
Also, when I point to something and use the proper name of it, I feel like it shouldn't be a problem for an individual of average intelligence. I ordered an apple dumpling, pointed to the apple dumpling, and thought I was watching them put it in there, until I turned my head for a second, and got a fucking Danish. It wouldn't have been a big fucking deal, IF THEY WERENT FUCKING DICKS THE ENTIRE TIME I WAS THERE.
Yeah, five out of five stars, definitely gonna go again and right my next screenplay.