| - Worst sushi ever. Why? Because there was NO sushi. Beginning with a waiter who did not know his product, I should have known this would be bad. The party was myself and one other. While he was served I waited over twenty minutes before the hostess picked up on that we were upset. We had been talking about leaving in order to actually be served food. This was after our drinks had been filled multiple times. After people who arrived after us were served. After people who had placed pick-up orders at the bar had been fulfilled and left. I was so disappointed. The hostess asked the chef how long my order would take, because we were beyond done. The chef thought maybe five more minutes. Yet of the three chefs working tonight, only two were actually working. The third, a scruffy looking man, was busy holding the counter and wall in place. Quite disheartening. I stated to our hostess I was not interested in waiting any longer. Then the chef started calling me out trying to convince me to stay by yelling across the restaurant. I left. The other party with me asked for the check. Upon not being given it after much time, he gave up. He went to the hostess station, asked when they opened the next day and stated he would be back to pay for what we did have the next day.. Maybe when they had time to pay attention to us. At that point, he left. That is when all of a sudden someone cared. A man who never identified himself by name or position ran after our car after we walked to our car, we were pulled out of our space and almost passed the location. He yelled at us. The party I was with returned to the restaurant to settle the tab there and then. What was he given? A check for drinks, the food he had been given AND THE FOOD WE NEVER RECEIVED. What a joke. The party I was with paid for what we were given and gave an almost ten dollar tip to the hostess who at least acknowledged there was a problem. The restaurant is a farce. It is an insult. I will highly promote how horrible our experience was wherever I can at this point. Especially since the two of us went to the competition within ten miles and after ordering a similar order by a staff who were more plentiful and actually doing more than standing around, we had our complete meal in five minutes. Yes, five. We actually timed it due to our frustration. That broke it for us. A wonderful time was had, but certainly not at Nori.