THIS PLACE IS NOT SAFE. I was there on a Friday night and realized my phone was missing. I realized it when I noticed my purse was open, and I had not opened it. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, so I started looking around for it. When I asked security for help, the first guy I talked to asked via radio if it had been found. He got no reply. When another security guy walked up, he shouted "WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR IT ALL NIGHT, WE CAN'T FIND IT." I told him that's impossible because I just realized it was missing. He walked away, and the first guy I was talking to shrugged his shoulders and told me they had had 4 or 5 missing iPhone 6s. FOUR OR FIVE MISSING PHONES?!?!! That's not a coincidence, this place seems to have a problem on their hands. I will be calling today to let a manager know how this situation was handled by security. Won't be going back.