| - Tons of fun!! Great organization, lots of super cute signage and announcers made it feel really festive, and it really brought out tons of cute costumes.
The run was a 5K, so short and fun, with a conspicuous absence of serious runners. In fact, those of us who aren't super speedy had to do a lot of zig-zagging because tons of people were walking and totally not observing walking etiquette and staying to one side. If you're trying to beat your best time, this isn't a great race for you.
As we ran, there were multiple areas, each with its own color, where volunteers stood in lines and did their best to get you good and powdered. This was super fun, even if it was a little hard to breathe just after those areas from all the color powder in the air.
There were plenty of water stations and bathrooms, and the run ended under a bunch of arches of color and fun. There was a huge bandstand with great music and an enthusiastc emcee, and the atmosphere was just excellent. They even had an area where you could buy color run gear.
The swag was really nice: cute tee-shirts that are made of really nice material (something I'll actually wear!), colorful temporary tattoos, nice big reusable bags, plus a sweat band and your very own packet of color at the finish.
My friends and I had tons of fun!! I can't wait to do this again next year!!