I come to Vegas regularly for Conventions or just to have fun playing poker. I usually rent a car and spend considerable time finding places off the strip to eat at. I'm with my family and my brother so we walk into this place and it is packed and we are the only non-asian people in the place (I took that as a good sign). Anyhow when I asked for crispy noodles the waitress looked at me like I was from Mars. The Chinese lady in the table next to me came to my rescue when she overheard me and knew what I was talking about and began explaining to the waitress what I wanted in Chinese. She quickly smiled and looked at me and said they don't serve crispy noodles here, at least not the type you are thinking of.
I'm thinking boy I must look like your typical American moron, so I quietly began looking at the menu for dishes that looked familiar. I settled for a scallions and onions, a kungpao plate, some of the speciality fried rice, a noodle bowl with some of the more exotic meats like stomach, and a couple of other dishes that were recommended by our neighbor friend. I must say I have never eaten such good food. All of the dishes were amazing. It was one of the most enjoyable and best tasting meals I have had in a long time. I wasn't the only one in our group that felt that way. We all raved about how good it was. I don't think we left a crumb of food on any of the plates. I can't say enough about how good this place is and how much better authentic Chinese food tastes in comparison to the American version we are used to being served in even fine places on the strip. Just the night prior I had eaten a crispy noodle dish at the Aria casino which I thought was pretty decent but this place puts it to shame.
I will come back to eat at this place every single time I am Las Vegas.