So, this is where the locals go?
Honestly, I didn't know Vegas had locals of this type. Nor did I want that knowledge.
This felt like the place where the Snowman got in a fight with the bikers in the movie Smokey and the Bandit...and that movie was filmed in Atlanta in the year Star Wars was released!
Sure, they have food specials at the cafe and BBQ restaurants (just little rooms, not really restaurants), but I had no interest in being around this crowd any longer than it took me to drink one beer.
Speaking of that beer, it is only $2 and they brew many different varieties.
Unfortunately, it was awful. As my old deceased friend would have said, "That tastes like my first divorce...very bitter."
Next time I want cheap beer in a Vegas dive, I'll just stick to the $1 Michelob and Michelob Light bottles at Casino Royale. (Besides, the White Castle inside there opens soon!)
You locals can have this Ellis Island time warp. I'm much more likely to bet on the Raiders to win next year's Super Bowl than make another appearance in this dump.