Went to watch the UFC fight. They have never charged a cover. Half way through they suddenly put a $9.80 charge on the bill saying it's for $5 cover for each person. $9.80???
Cover is charged at the door!!! No sign, no mention of it at the door even though they knew we were there for the fight.
Then a number of people suddenly started seeing it on their bills. Everybody started to complain but the manager/owner? said it is what it is. He says everyplace charges cover and that they have always charged cover. Their waitress said they haven't charged a cover before.
He tells me that if I don't like paying for a cover I could watch the fight somewhere else. Finally after many complaints he started taking the cover off the bill for people who spoke up. I'm pretty sure he didn't do it for everyone.
It was like they didn't make enough money that night from drinks/food etc so they needed to make it up so started charging cover after the fact.
It wasn't even about the money but the way they did things. Very poor managment. Won't be going back their again!