In a sea of cheap and not so cheerful eatery options that line the Yonge street strip Spring Rolls Go is just another casualty that offers subpar McAsian meals.
Like most people I came in to grab a quick nosh for take-out as I perused the illuminated wall of pictured menu options. The cashew chicken stir fry with white rice looked pretty good so I placed my order with the counter person who seemed like she barely even had a pulse going. I was given a coaster and told to wait for my order to be made, and by the time I sat my ass down in the canteen-chic dining area, the stupid coaster started vibrating and lighting up like some novelty dildo from Japan. What was the point of that!
My stirfry smelled really good and proved very distracting with it's aroma on the subway as the Jabba the Hutt-esque fellow sitting across from me kept leering at my take-out package. Once I got home I was eager to get knee deep into some cashew chicken goodness. On the ratio of rice to stir fry, it was 50/50, which seemed alright but then there was a LOT of cabbage, very little chicken and tonnes of the goopy sauce. I was upset to see there was also tonnes of chilis in the stir fry, when the McMenu never mentioned jack shit about no chilis or spiciness (I'm sensitive to spices), I am not feeling love for Spring Rolls at this point.
Spring Rolls your credo reads " quality without the price, style without the attitude"
I've read better lines in fortune cookies.
Folks, trust me save your $ and head to Ginger instead.