After a late & stressful closing on our first house, and all that moving and unpacking, it was time to relieve some stress and give ourselves a break! I was able to schedule a couples massage for a weekend morning with only a few days notice.
We could pick the scented oils we wanted, slipped on some sandals and were handed a glass of wine then taken back to an even darker and calmer waiting room (where I proceeded to knock a water glass onto their nice rug. at least it wasn't the red wine!).
We were then taken back to a room with two tables, asked how strong of a massage we wanted (as a first timer i went for "medium" and was strongly advised to stay away from "deep tissue" to start, which I'm glad!). Then we were given time to shake down to our underoos and crawl under the warm towels and blanket.
The next hour flew by and when they said we could take our time getting up, I had to ask whether some people never get up. The answer, yes, they sometimes have to go back in the room and wake the person up.