I suppose we all have our "off days." God knows, I've had a few of them myself! :-) It is in that spirit that I'm going to cut the Market Avenue Wine Bar some slack.
A few weeks back, I had a pretty crummy experience there. The wine bar has always been one of my Cleveland faves, and the bad experience surprised me.
However, just today, the owner wrote me a personal email to apologize for the rude service during my past visit. He promised they'd do better the next time out. Based on all of the wonderful times I've had there in the past, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
So for now, I'm moving my star rating for the Market Avenue Wine Bar back up to 4 out of 5. Here's hoping they were just having an "off night" and are still just as awesome as they've always been.
...we will see. :-)