Another website sent this contractor my way and the bid process was fine. I e-mailed them a signed contract (their instructions) after getting a bid from Hugh and then all contact from them stopped. Along with that emailed contract I have left a voicemail and tried to call them another time or two but all of that has also gone unanswered. I did call them one day out of curiosity from a different cell number and they picked right up, about 15 minutes after my last attempted call.
Do note this contractor uses Acrihues by Dunn Edwards, flat, which is the lowest quality Dunn-Edwards paint any of the contractors I got bids from use (edited for accuracy at the request of the contractor, see below); the voicemail I left them asked for a new bid on a higher end paint but as I said they flat out ignored me. Their original price was above average given the paint they are using compared to other contractors using a similar grade paint and I found 2 contractors using a higher end paint for less than their "$250 off" discounted price.
12-27-17 - Hugh called me at 8:57 am because of this review asking if I would change the review and offered to send me a gift card to "make me happier". When I said I'm not changing the review and that it was an honest review he then threatened legal action against me because I made a "false claim" saying Acrihues is the lowest quality paint Dunn-Edwards offers and he is correct so I changed that portion of the review.