BEWARE! Scammers and thiefs. Charged me for a damage property after we moved out and sent me straight to collections. No one ever called me and the idiot Brian Wall who is the property manager didn't know what to tell me as to what steps should I take to dispute the allegations of vandalizing his property. How smart is he?
Collections called in threating about my credit. It's illegal in Canada to threat some one like that. I ended up paying for the charge to avoid losing my promotion at work as they require to do credit check.
The building was disgusting. No heat for couple days. Landlord she was terrible and the list goes on and on.....
Luckily most of my family members are lawyers which gives me the privilege to take them to court and attempt to recover the money. I will make sure to sue for punitive damages.
It's just terrible how people are this cruel. Just remember if karma doesn't come back to them, it will come to there kids.