This is embarrassing to admit, but I felt like a 40 year old virgin walking into In-N-Out. I wanted to try the fries. "There's only one size?" I asked.
Yep. One size fits all.
So what made me do it? Was it peer pressure from friends?
No, really I wanted to taste the fries. I imagined that an order of them would be better than other chain restaurants. INO's claim to fame is their fresh potatoes.
Fresh? O-kay...
To me, the fries tasted like cardboard. They did not chew like a freshly fried potato. Flat. Tasteless. Lacking all kinds of substance.
I was forced to doll them up. Throw some D's on 'em. But how?
Haven't you heard of Animal Style? Ooooooh.
So I had a DIY breakthrough. Topped the fries with avocado, tossed some green onions in the mix
that burger spread though! Yes yes yes!