So, the day I decided to try out Hi Fi, it was pretty low key and a Saturday afternoon around four. Little did I know that about 10 minutes into being there it would turn into a crazy drunk fest that bordered on obscene.
I sat at the bar with my husband and ordered a drink. The staff was awesome and incredibly nice. A group of five people came in and a couple of minutes later one of the girls in the group, who was wasted beyond belief, was actually climbing on the speakers on the back wall. She was so drunk that she was a liability at best for this place. She proceeded to do a photo shoot with her friends for the next 30 minutes on the wall of speakers. Yes, she climbed up on the booths and was standing on tables doing a photo shoot with her friends. Did I mention she pulled her skirt up to get it out of the way so she could get on the tables? Some of the poses were pretty gross. Nothing you want to see when you are having a relaxing drink on a Saturday afternoon.
This sort of stuff happens, right? My problem is that she was not stopped. She was screaming and her group was obnoxious. The people next to us got up and left they were so over it. We decided to leave as well. Not my scene. I prefer a place with a little class. This is not it.
I am sure the girl fell and sued the hell out of the place. She is probably now in the process of owning Hi Fi so no worries, it might close soon.
You cant buy class and this place proves that point.