We transferred to CenturyLink from COX because we thought we were getting a better price. NOT! They ask me how many devices. We had in my home so they can get me the right modem. Well they gave us a 15mbps modem. We were told that should work. Well after a week or two we called back to let them know of the problems we were having with the 15mbps. So the customer rep. Sent us a 20mbps modem. DID NOT WORK for all of our devices and we also found out that ON DEMAND also uses up bandwidth. THEY FORGOT TO MENTION THAT.. So when we asked about the 40mbps WE FOUND OUT IT'S NOT IN OUR AREA. REALLY? By this time we received our second bill and it was freaking high. So we called a again to asked them why our bill was so high. The nice customer service rep. Found out they charged us $99 for our second modem that we were leasing like the first one. so he adjusted the bill. Now we get our third bill it to was very high. So we call again come to find out all of this time DIRECTV was not on the bill. Well, DIRECTV charged for the two months they missed or should I say CenturyLink left off. so now I'm Pissed because we are now paying almost three hundred by this time for some messed up telephone and Internet service. I actually love my directv so that's a keeper. But CenturyLink has to go...so needless to say I went back to COX for Internet only but at least I know now all of my devices are working. Oh yeah we couldn't get the Verizon discount because we were already on a discount plan with Verizon. ...so stick a fork in me WE ARE DONE....