NEVERRRR AGAIN! (Is there a way to give them 1/10th of a star?)
First, they up-sold me to a bigger oven whose oddly placed gas inlet won't fit any area home built more than 15 years ago! So clearly, their sales staff didn't get adequate training.
Next, after selling me a "required" installation kit for $30, the installers didn't bring the right connections and/or tools to install the stove they brought!
So they installed the stove FOUR INCHES FROM THE WALL! It stuck four inches into the kitchen! Out past the cabinets. That was fine with the installers. They left it like that (I wasn't on site, obviously.)
Lowe's manager Rob Sottile wouldn't make his installers come out to make it right. (He graciously offered to have them move the stove away from the wall so a competent person could make it right.)
I had to call a handyman and pay him to install it correctly.
When I called Lowe's manager Rob Sottile requesting a refund of the totally botched and unusable installation, Sottile refused to take any responsibility for the botched job. Apparently, each consumer must know the pattern of changing gas inlets in Nevada.
Rob Sottile would not give me even a partial refund--even though his store had collected money for an install that his people did that was laughably unusable and rendered the kitchen ugly in the extreme.
My thanks to one competent handyman.