We've been looking for a teppanyaki place in our neck of the woods but were a little leery of this place from the old "drive by" since it's in a strip mall in an older building. This was nonsense however, because inside the place ended up being pretty interesting and delightful. Sure, it's an older building but the place seemed really clean, the bathrooms were well kept and here's the BONUS - they got the long fountain / fish pond working and filled with fish (and turtles!). It's quite unique - check out the pics here on yelp.
We came for teppanyaki and were seated right away and only had to wait a few minutes for the other half of the grill table to fill up. My husband opted for sushi instead and ordered a rainbow roll. He said it was good, not the best he'd had, but that it was pretty sizeable and filled him up.
My daughter and I had teppanyaki - she ordered shrimp and I had steak & lobster - yum! (c'mon this was a Mother's Day celebration...) The chef was really young but he was quite funny and obviously talented. He was flipping rice clumps into our mouths (I caught it - yay!) lighting onion volcanoes, tossing prank eggs at us (empty shells) and making Nemo jokes - my daughter loved it! He cooked everything really well and made the evening so special.
They sang for about 4 birthdays while we were there, they were enthusiastic and the birthday havers seemed really ecstatic - they brought some special fruit plate type of desert thing out.
The ice tea wasn't so good but the turtles made up for that - let's hear it for turtles!