This theater is now actually called AMC Deer Valley 17. They haven't used their full 30 screens in about 10-15 years. What they have done lately is finally installed the electric plush and comfortable reclining chairs!!!
They closed both box offices out side and now have an indoor one. They removed the small arcade area and just right as you enter there is now a little bar area for beer and wine.
They also have a separate line at the box office and concession stand for AMC Stubs Priemer member ($15 per year). That is fantastic especially when the general line is backed up at concessions due to lack of or slow employees working. Don't be surprised if you get dirty looks from the non stubs premier when you get called up before them regardless of how long they have been waiting.
Oh well, LOL, pay the $15 like I do!
All seats are reserved now so you pick and choose where you want to sit which is very nice and convient.
Ticket prices have sales taxes added now as well as concessions which is stupid but I am traditional and am used to the traditional price structure that had taxes already built into the price.
Ticket prices have gone up a little I am sure because of the new amenities but I can still score a $9.49 adult and $6.49 child ticket during most evening showings.
If it's been awhile then definitely check out this improved AMC.