Per Southwest's website, non passenger escort passes may be obtained from their Skycap podium. I was assisting disabled passengers at Sky Harbor and requested one from skycap who said no and ranted that in 25 years he had never . . . When I quoted website, he back tracked and said he was planning to deal with their luggage first and then direct me to the Southwest gate agent whose podium was practically adjoining the skycap's. I have never assisted disabled passengers before and didn't even realize there was an outside agent, but knew the disabled passengers had to be with me to get the escort pass and I didn't think they could stand in the inside line that long (both used canes, one on oxygen with other various internal issues). Why couldn't the skycap just have said in the first place that he couldn't do it, but that the next guy could instead of increasing my stress level. The Southwest agent could not have been nicer - he explained to them that he gave them a pre-board pass, etc. I lugged their luggage (no wheels) to the podium while my husband parked the car, but the rude skycap still got a tip!