Maybe I ordered wrong but my first experience at Freshii does not have me wanting to go back. I like the idea of the restaurant and the menu looks exciting and healthy. With lots of vegetarian options, I was excited to order. I decided to order their $6 meal of the day because I really had no clue what to get cause everything looked yummy. It ended up being the Buddha bowl. I asked the person working there what it was and she could barely tell me half of the ingredients. I (for some odd reason) still decided to order it. She and another employee put it together and it didn't look terrible appearance-wise. The taste, however, was very disappointing. The bowl consisted of raw brocoli, red cabbage and carrots served on top of noodles and doused with a warm peanut sauce. I found it to be a really weird dish. The vegetables were cold and the sauce was tasteless and very watery. The bowl it was served in was made out of cardboard which is great for the environment but problematic when the sauce seeped through it and made a mess everywhere. I found the meal to be inedible and ended up giving it to a friend who also didn't like it.
As I said, it is possible I ordered wrong. I may try something else there when I am in a hurry and would like some healthy fast food. The price was really good and the location is convenient.
Value: 3/5