This is the second time that I have been in for an acupuncture treatment. With a bad back and a skeptical frame of mind I decided to give it a try. I figured acupuncture has been around for 8000 years and there must be something to it and going to a school at least there are several sets of eyes watching and checking.
Anyway, the first session (with Jeanette) went really well and for the first time in many years I did not have pain in my back and neck (AWESOME). Ok, was this a fluke or was this all in my mind. This was not a permanent fix and I knew that, my pain is back. I decided to give it a try again since the first session went well (with Adebelle) and I feel incredible. I just wish this place was closer to Chandler because my infrequent trips are not going to make a significant difference right away.
I also looked into the herbal medicine side for some other issues and this is very impressive. I received my first herbal formula, so lets see if this works.