I rarely post positive things unless the restaurant is extremely excellent. I do however post negative reviews when I am not at all pleased. In this case, we never even made it into the place before the self proclaimed General Manager offended us before we were even parked.
As a manager of commercial real estate, we encourage all businesses to have employees park in spaces of least desire to the patrons. Here in AZ, we all seek parking spaces that are shaded during these summer months. We located a few behind the building and there were NO PARKING RESTRICTIONS posted. It happened that this day about 3:00 pm, we were asked not to park in these spaces as they were reserved for employees. When we asked where the signs were, he admitted there weren't any but, insisted we park elsewhere. We did, at another venue.
My only point is that when the self proclaimed GM feels customers are not as important as the employees, we all felt it was not the place we wanted to visit. Instead another venue received our couple of hundred dollars.