| - A mixed bag of goods and bads. Their "new" location (at Higley and Brown) is a building formerly occupied by an Arby's; they moved in just after Christmas 2011, and you would think the new facility would be pretty spiffy because they would take time to fix it up so cute. Not so! It still looks like a tired and shabby Arby's, all scuffed up and untidy and frankly not very clean. So, ambiance is a maybe a 2. Now, prices are most reasonable, so for value I give them a 4+ rating, as in this economy, you want them to be easy on your wallet. But, on the down side, the quality of what you get for a really low price is not so good, so my rating there is 1 1/2. I took one of my pork chops home, but in the end just threw it out as it was tough, like leather. Wait staff was great, attentive, and right on with answers, so I give them a 4. The one saving grace amongst all these mixed ratings is certainly their PIE. That, for sure, is a solid 5 stars and makes up for their lesser ratings. I had their apple pie, um mm. My wife had a different pie, and she ate it so fast I did not have a chance to sample it so I can't tell you what it was. I hope the Iowa Cafe management continues to improve this place, and perhaps is will time to catch the rhythm of running a cafe.